Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friends with benefits Part One

Picture this:
Two friends, in their twenty-something's - who had the opportunity to be more than friends at some point but were not - and still they keep in touch. They like each other's company too much to just cut it off and so they meet a few times.
This time he was cooking dinner for her since he has been bragging about his cooking skills since they first met, so she drove to his apartment at 7pm...
They opened a bottle of wine that was meant to accompany dinner and talked while he juggled the frying pan's in both hands. The food was smelling delicious and the conversation was delightful
He was leaning towards the stove, waiting for the pasta to cook, and all of a sudden she goes under his right arm and stands between him and the boiling pot
-What if I kissed you... right now? she whispered with her lips about a millimeter apart from his

1 comment:

nonsexrelated said...

A garrafa está lá à espera para ser aberta ;) can't wait to read part two