Monday, April 18, 2011

Friends with benefits Part Two

The problem is she thinks too much.
One minute she's feeling a rush of blood to the head and risks something really brave and spontaneous and the very next she's taking a step back.

This time... She didn't.

Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was desire, maybe it was a hidden passion ready to come out of the shell (really well closed shell). In that moment none of it mattered though.
When she came to her senses they had abandoned the pans and pots. Instead of a step back she took a step forward, she realized. They were kissing. Long, intense kisses.
That sensation of being on auto-pilot, absolutely unware of the existence of a world outside the window was all she needed. His arms around her felt like all kinds of right.
Kitchen counters, table tops, against the walls...

A bright '3.19 am' wakes her up. 'Hey! Do you want some pasta now? You must be starving... at least I am'.
He had seen her on a whole new level. She sees him differently too. They can't help but exchange loving and affectionate looks as they smile to one another.
The thinking and rationalizing kicks in again...

Could they be the friends they were again?
As soon as she leaves the apartment all those feelings are left behind.

Then why is she still searching for his perfume on her clothes?

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